Please note that the login info is changed for ZOOM livestreaming for May seminars as shown below.
All schedules are in Japan Standard Time.
ZOOM Site:
Mugen / May 16 (Sun)
Zoom ID: 874 3964 7818
Password: 788799
10:00-11:00 Morning Lecture
13:30-14:30 Afternoon Lecture
Yokohama Shizen Seminar / May 23 (Sun)
Zoom ID: 837 7016 9820 (*Updated on May 18)
Passcode: 611711 (*Updated on May 18)
10:30-11:30 Morning Lecture
14:00-15:00 Afternoon Lecture
Path to Peace (Ryukyu) / May 26 (Wed) – 28 (Fri)
Zoom ID: 837 7016 9820 (*Updated on May 18)
Passcode: 611711 (*Updated on May 18)
09:00-10:00 Story Sharing (only when the speaker’s consent is obtained) (*Updated on May 18)
13:00-14:00 Lecture *Updated on May 18
15:00-16:00 Q&A by Mr. Lin (not Mr. Uezu) (*Updated on May 18)
Nagomi-no-Tudoi / May 30 (Sun)
Zoom ID: 837 7016 9820 (*Updated on May 18)
Passcode: 611711 (*Updated on May 18)
10:30-11:30 Morning Lecture
14:00-15:00 Afternoon Lecture
Simultaneous interpretation in English will be available for Mugen, Yokohama Shizen Seminar and Path to Peace Seminar (Ryukyu). Please choose English in the language selection menu.
Quality and stability of livestream depends on the network environment at each venue. Please note that interruptions and other issues may occur during broadcasting.
*You may have to install the ZOOM application in advance.
*Please mute while joining the session.
*The meeting host cannot provide any technical support, so please arrange someone who can help you use ZOOM if necessary.