Ryukyu Do Ai Seminar for September 2022: Pre-registration Required

2022年8月20日 / General Notices

Ryukyu Do Ai Seminar for September will be held for 3 days from 9th (Fri) to 11th (Sun) at Okinawa Suisan Kaikan. Please note that the seminar period is shortened to 3 days from April onwards.

Morning Session
6:30 – Door Open
7:00 – 7:45 Yuimaaru Meditation
9:00 – 9:45 Meditation (Day 1)/Q&A (Day 2 till 10:00)/Story Sharing (Day 3)
Afternoon Session
12:30 – Door Open
13:00 – 13:45 Yuimaaru Meditation
14:00 – 15:00 Lecture
15:00 – 15:45 Meditation

Timetable for printing

Pre-registration is required for attendance. For registration, please send email to no later than September 1 (Thu). In email, please include your address and phone number along with the info of which session(s) to attend.

If the application volume exceeds the venue capacity, the organizer will decide which application to accept by lot. Applicants will receive confirmation email by September 4 (Sun) whether/how your registration is accepted.