The Path to Peace Seminar (Yatsugatake) in August 2021

2021年8月9日 / Overseas Seminars & Special Seminars

Following are details of the Path to Peace (Yatsugatake) seminar that will be held in August 2021. Please note that an advance reservation is required to attend this seminar. If you have registered for the old schedule of this seminar, it becomes void and new registration will be required for these changed dates.

Date August 24 (Tuesday) – August 26 (Thursday)
Venue Yatsugatake Natural & Culture Park
Door Open (Aug 24)
Door Open (Aug 25 & Aug 26)
10:30 – 11:30 Lecture
11:30 – 12:15 Meditation
13:30 – 14:30 Lecture
14:30 – 15:15 Meditation
17:00 Door Close

>> Timetable in PDF format

Registration Deadline August 17 (Tue)
Notes Please inform by August 21 (Sat) if you need transportation between JR Kobuchizawa Station and the venue.
♦ We pick you up at Kobuchizawa Station at 9:30am and 10:00am
♦ Shuttle bus to Kobuchizawa Station leaves the venue at 2:40pm and 4:00pm

Please contact for inquires and registration. If the application volume exceeds the venue capacity, organizers will decide which registrations to accept by lot.