India Seminar in March 2020: Important Announcements to Seminar Participants and Possible Participants

2019年9月2日 / Overseas Seminars & Special Seminars

A number of meetings have taken place between Mr. Uezu and the organizer to discuss conceivable challenges for the India seminar in March next year. Mr. Uezu has advised the organizer to inform all the related parties of the real circumstances beforehand, and ask each one to reconfirm his/her intention and purpose to join the trip.

For a past few months, the organizer has provided some briefings and presentations at Okinawa seminars to explain how things would be during the India seminar. So let us share the information here as well. We advise everyone who has registered and who is about to register for the seminar to read the following notes thorough and carefully.

Road Conditions around Venue and Sightseeing Places
Venue: Seminar programs will be held in the custom-built canopies outdoors. The path to the venue is very steep slope of about 200 meters long, on the way down to the river, and there are stone stairs with a dozen of steps at the end of the slope.
Sightseeing Places: We will visit two places, the temple of goddess and the cave, in several groups, one place per day. Due to the rough road conditions to both locations, it will be a 30-60 minutes ride one-way in a very bumpy bus all the time. Also, you need to walk a little distance to get to the temple and the cave along the trail with some stairs, potholed grounds and dirt roads.

Restroom Situations
Between Delhi and Rishikesh: It will be a 6-7 hours bus ride. Since availability of decent toilet facilities is limited on the way, there will be a restroom break just once during the bus trip.
Sightseeing Places: You cannot expect comfortable toilet facilities at both locations. It is like a couple of squat-style toilets where you manually flush with water that you fill up in a container from a big bucket beforehand, and comes with no toilet tissue or water facility to wash hands.

Hotel Situations
Bedroom: Many rooms are equipped with a large (King/Queen-size) bed to be shared with two guests. For example, a number of triple rooms are furnished with one large bed and one mattress directly laid on the floor.
Hotels other than Venue Hotel: 6-7 hotels will be reserved to accommodate over 500 guests. Some of those hotels are 10-20 minute-walk away from the venue hotel, and guests staying there need to walk on busy streets full of automobiles, bikes, people and cows.

Besides the above, there would be many inconveniences and harsh circumstances which you may never experience in Japan or in your country. Given the size of the group with over 500 guests, however, it will be extremely difficult for the organizer to respond to individual needs and requests. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.

[ Revised Registration Closing and Refund Arrangement ]

Considering the size of the tour group and the complications of time-consuming arrangements, we have decided to move up the registration deadline to Monday, September 30, 2019. Also please keep in mind that, as previously informed, registration will be closed once the capacity is reached even before the deadline.

If you are thinking of withdrawing from the India seminar tour after reading through the information above, we accept cancellation with full refund if notified by Monday, September 30, 2019. Please let us know by that date if you would like to cancel your registration with no condition. Please note that no refund will be processed for cancelation notified after this date.

We accept a change request for preferred room types and travel dates by Saturday, November 30, 2019 as formerly announced.

We allow a registration transfer by Saturday, November 30, 2019, with no fee. After this date, you can transfer your registration to someone by paying 20% of all the fees (seminar fee + tour package fee).

For inquiries, please contact by email.
